Fees: Juniors
Fees can be broken down into the following categories:
BWA Affiliation Fee – The affiliation fee covers each players affiliation with BWA (Basketball Western Australia) and is extremely important for insurance purposes. This fee is paid directly to BWA upon registration.
Association Affiliation Fee – The affiliation fee covers each players affiliation with WABA (Waroona Amateur Basketball Association) and assists in covering the costs of umpires, equipment etc.
Training Fee – This fee covers the cost of court hire for training sessions and is averaged out based on 15 rounds, seven players per team and three final training nights. The fee has been averaged out to make the collection of fees simpler for the team manager. The fee is collected by the club and then paid to the Waroona Recreation & Aquatic Centre.
Uniform Fee – This fee is a uniform deposit and is charged to cover the eventual cost of replacing the uniforms.
Game Fee – The game fee covers the cost of the court hire.
To make the process simpler for team managers and players the affiliation fee, training fee and uniform fee are now combined and called the COMBINED FEE.
The COMBINED FEE is a one off $70 fee that applies to all players. This fee incorporates the $40 Association affiliation, $25 training fee and the $5 uniform hire fee. This fee is due by the third playing date. Envelopes containing the COMBINED FEE ($105) are handed in at the end of the game on that day.
After this date, it is the responsibility of the individual player to pay the Treasurer before they are eligible to play again.
Non-Financial Players cannot take the court after the third game.
If you collect for siblings, please indicate names on the envelope.
A $5 court hire fee is collected from each player per game. Place in the game envelope on the scoresheet on the night. Some parents may choose to pay the game fee as one lump sum, this can be worked out by calculating the number of rounds multiplied by $5. This varies for each grade depending on the number of teams.
For example:
A four team competition has 15 rounds:
15 x $5 = $75 Total Game Fee
A five team competition has 12 rounds:
12 x $5 = $60 Total Game Fee
Children who are eligible for KidSport will be advised by letter of their KidSport payment amount. That amount is then deducted from the combined fee and game fees. Kidsport may not cover the entire cost of the fees and players may be required to pay a balance.
Do you have a Health Care card or a Pension Concession Card? If you do, you are eligible for KidSport funding.
The fee structure is Combined Fee $70
Game Fees $75 - 4 team competition (15 games)
Games Fees $60 - 5 team competition ( 12 games)
Payment in full on first playing night:
Four Team Competition OR Five Team Competition
Combined Fee $ 70 Combined Fee $ 70
Game Fee $ 75 Game Fee $ 60
Total $ 145 Total $ 130
Four Team Competition OR Five Team Competition
Game 1 - $5 Game 1 - $5
Game 2 - $5 Game 2 - $5
Game 3 - $135 (Combined Fee + Balance of games) Game 3 - $120 (Combined Fee + Balance)
Four Team Competition OR Five Team Competition
Game 1 - $5 Game 1 - $5
Game 2 - $5 Game 2 - $5
Game 3 - $75 (Combined Fee + $5 for game 3) Game 3 - $75 (Combined Fee + $5 for game 3)
Then $5 for each game thereafter. Then $5 for each game thereafter.